Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, March 8, 2025

God Is the Goal of Your Life on Earth, Which He Gives You

Message from Mary Mother of Triumph and Victory to Frank Möller in Reken, Germany on March 8, 2025, Heart of Mary Atonement Saturday


A stony path lies ahead of you.

I am already there in the lives of My children.

Carry the cross of life, of victory over death.

Your sufferings contribute to the victory that My Son wants for the whole world. If you want it too, carry the cross. The more consciously and devotedly you carry it, the greater the victory will be.

Then She spoke with a sublime voice:


Your victory is His victory!

Encourage yourselves My children. Great is the goal.

Humanity suffers its separation from God its life.

You go forward on the stony path that leads to the goal.

Everyone is walking it - will walk it.

God is the goal of your life on earth, which He gives you.

Fear not! It is the time of the triumph of My love in the hearts of those who have arrived.

Sing with Me: Great God! He is life.

Stay close to My Heart in prayer.

I bless you My John and all who walk with you.


Source: ➥